Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Basic skin care routine every one should follow

My basic skin care routineWho doesn’t want healthy, glowing skin? While some people are blessed with flawless skin, most of us go to great lengths to try and get that natural glow. But before you go running to try some expensive new cream or revolutionary procedure, have you considered your basic skincare routine?

The most basic skincare routine

Ask any skincare expert and they’ll stress on first getting the basics right. So simple as it may sound, we thought we’d give you a step-by-step breakdown of what your basic skincare routine should be.


The most basic of the basic skincare routine – cleansing! The biggest mistake most of us make in this step is that we either under-cleanse or over-cleanse. Experts suggest that for those with normal skin, cleansing your face twice a day is optimum – once in the morning and once at night, before going to bed. The latter is especially important, as you want to get rid of the day’s grime and any make up or lotions that you may have had on.
Remember to find a good soap-free cleanser for your skin and avoid very cold or very hot water to wash your face. Face wash is ideal based on the skin type you have cream cleansers for more drier skin type and foam cleansers for oily skin type.


Exfoliation refers to the removal of dead skin cells from the top of the skin. While some skin experts believe that too much exfoliation is bad for the skin, as it can strip away essential oils, most believe that exfoliating once a week is a good practice.
Find a scrub that suits your skin and use just a little bit once a week to clear dead cells and hidden impurities. If you prefer to go natural, you could even try making some home made scrubs and gently exfoliate for natural, glowing skin.
A toner is a liquid that helps to close the pores on your skin, to avoid attracting dirt and to give your skin a tighter, firmer look. Many women swear by this step and almost every major cosmetic brand makes a toner.
However, there are experts who believe that toners should be strictly optional. Try using a toner for a few days and decide for yourself if you want to add it to your skincare routine or not.


No ambiguity here – moisturising your skin is an absolutely essential step of your skincare regimen. Depending on your skin type – dry, normal or oily – find a moisturiser that works for you. Typically, people with very dry skin should go in for a creamy mosturiser and those with oily skin could get a water-based one. For your day needs, get a moisturiser with an SPF or Sun Protection Factor, as that can double up as a sunscreen as well.
Also remember to moisturise at night, after you’ve thoroughly cleansed your face. Skip the sunscreen at night though, and just allow your skin to breathe.
Under eye creams 
Very essential based on your skin needs choose the one that works the best for you and what problems you want to address. Creams for under eye dark circles, fine lines, crows feet and etc are in the market just keep that area of your face hydrated at all times as it won't produce any natural oils.

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